Planning Plans

Planning Plans - Steel Home Floor Plans Elevation
Planning Plans - Steel Home Floor Plans ElevationPlanning Plans - Steel Home Floor Plans ElevationPlanning Plans - Steel Home Floor Plans Elevation

If you want to get serious, and save money with your building project, you will need professionally prepared dimensional preliminary plans with floorplans and elevation drawings. This will allow you to communicate properly with contractors and supply companies for more accurate labor and material costs. This will also allow for additional planning and changes.

For the low price of $1.76/sqft including porches and garages, we will prepare your preliminary plans that include a set of dimensional floorplans and elevation drawings.

The base price is for PDF files only. Click to see a sample

For $0.39/sqft we can include framing plans (one wall section view and complete roof layout)
For $0.20/sqft we will have the plans printed on 24x36 HP 20lb Bond paper and shipped directly to you.

Price: $1.76
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